The Spectrum ddm_load command returns error about open database
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The Spectrum ddm_load command returns error about open database


Article ID: 376321


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DX NetOps CA Spectrum


After migrating to a new system when running the ddm_load command we see the following error.

Error: Attempt to load to an open database.

The ddm_load doesn't complete and returns to the command line.

The ddm_load is being run as the Spectrum install owner. It is being run with the SpectroSERVER running, ProcessD running and Archive Manager down.


All supported DX NetOps Spectrum releases


There is a .DDMDB.LOCK file left in the $SPECROOT/SS/DDM directory while Archive Manager is down.


When Archive Manager shuts down it should remove the $SPECROOT/SS/DDM/.DDMDB.LOCK file. It if does not the ddm_load will see it and think that Archive Manager is running when it is not. The ddm_load needs Archive Manager down when it runs and will fail if it thinks it is running.

Is Archive Manager down? In Linux run "ps -ef | grep -i arch" to check.

If it's down is there a .DDMDB.LOCK file left behind? Run "ls -al" from within, or against, the $SPECROOT/SS/DDM directory. If Archive Manager is down and a .DDMDB.LOCK file is seen, delete it.

Once removed the ddm_load should succeed.