VIP AuthHub performance test returning status code 499
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VIP AuthHub performance test returning status code 499


Article ID: 376300


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VIP Authentication Hub


Customer running load testing for IARISK by calling request: POST /default/iarisk/v1/UserRiskScoreEvaluator HTTP/1.1 but they are observing status code=499 for 90% of the test.

Failed transactions:

{ [-]
   body_bytes_sent: 0
   bytes_sent: 0
   encoding: -
   method: POST
   referer: -
   requestPOST /default/iarisk/v1/UserRiskScoreEvaluator HTTP/1.1
   request_length: 2502
   request_time: 0.701
   status: 499
   time_local: 21/Aug/2024:13:57:04 +0000
   upstream: ssp-iarisk-443
   upstream_addr: x.x.x.x:80xx
   upstream_connect_time: -
   upstream_header_time: -
   upstream_response_time: 0.701
   upstream_status: -
   uri_path: /iarisk/v1/UserRiskScoreEvaluator
   user_agent: Apache-HttpClient/4.5.13 (Java/1.8.0_191)


VIP Authentication Hub

Version: 3.1.1


In Nginx, the status code 499 is used to indicate that the client has closed the connection before the server was able to send a response. This is a non-standard HTTP status code specific to Nginx and is not part of the official HTTP status codes defined by the IETF.

Here’s a breakdown of the 499 status code:

  • Code: 499
  • Description: Client Closed Request
  • Meaning: The client (such as a web browser or HTTP client) terminated the connection before the server was able to send a response. This can happen for various reasons, such as the client timing out or the user navigating away from the page before the server finishes processing the request.

The load tests had database locks because single user was used for all the transactions which is not a real world scenario, recommendation to customer was to use different use for each transaction, once the changes are incorporated by the customer, no errors are observed.