Customer running load testing for IARISK by calling request: POST /default/iarisk/v1/UserRiskScoreEvaluator HTTP/1.1 but they are observing status code=499 for 90% of the test.
Failed transactions:
{ [-]
body_bytes_sent: 0
bytes_sent: 0
encoding: -
method: POST
referer: -
request: POST /default/iarisk/v1/UserRiskScoreEvaluator HTTP/1.1
request_length: 2502
request_time: 0.701
status: 499
time_local: 21/Aug/2024:13:57:04 +0000
upstream: ssp-iarisk-443
upstream_addr: x.x.x.x:80xx
upstream_connect_time: -
upstream_header_time: -
upstream_response_time: 0.701
upstream_status: -
uri_path: /iarisk/v1/UserRiskScoreEvaluator
user_agent: Apache-HttpClient/4.5.13 (Java/1.8.0_191)
VIP Authentication Hub
Version: 3.1.1
In Nginx, the status code 499 is used to indicate that the client has closed the connection before the server was able to send a response. This is a non-standard HTTP status code specific to Nginx and is not part of the official HTTP status codes defined by the IETF.
Here’s a breakdown of the 499 status code:
The load tests had database locks because single user was used for all the transactions which is not a real world scenario, recommendation to customer was to use different use for each transaction, once the changes are incorporated by the customer, no errors are observed.