How to create an ESXI installer ISO using vSphere Lifecycle Manager
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How to create an ESXI installer ISO using vSphere Lifecycle Manager


Article ID: 376295


Updated On: 09-03-2024


VMware vSphere ESXi


Some ESXi versions are only released as patch ZIPs, not as installer ISOs. This article shows how you can create an installer ISO, which can be used for interactive installation or updates, using the vSphere Lifecycle Manager  


VMware vSphere 7.x

VMware vSphere 8.x


Not every ESXi version is being released as an Installer ISO. Please refer to the column "Available as" in the KB article Build numbers and versions of VMware ESXi/ESX or to the specific release notes for the version to verify if an ISO has been published.


To create an installer ISO for ESXi using vSphere Lifecycle Manager, follow the steps below. The example uses ESXi 8.00 Update 2c (for which no ISO was published).

Note: This will only work if the vCenter version is compatible with the ESXi version you want to create the installer ISO for, and if the ESXi version supports cluster images. For example, if you are using vSphere Lifecycle Manager in vCenter 8.0, you will be able to create ESXi installer images for 8.0 and 7.0, but not for ESXi 6.7 as this version does not support cluster images yet. If the vCenter version is 7.0, you will only be able to create ESXi 7.0 installer images, but won't be able to create ones for 8.0, because vCenter Server 7.0 is not compatible with ESXi 8.0. 


  • In vSphere Client, go in Lifecycle Manager > Image Depot and verify that the version you want to create the image for is included in the list ESXi versions:

  • If it is not, download the for this version from the download portal, and use "Actions > Import Updates" to import it in the Lifecycle Manager:

  • Now go in the "Hosts and Clusters" view of the vSphere Client and create a new empty cluster. It does not matter how you name it.
  • In the cluster creation wizard, on page 1 ensure that both options "Manage all hosts in the cluster with a single image" and "Compose a new image" are selected:

  • On page 2 of the wizard, under ESXi version, select the specific version you want to create the image for (optionally you can select a vendor addon, if you want to create a custom image), then finish the cluster creation wizard:

  • Now select the cluster and go in the "Updates" tab
  • in the upper hand right corner you find 2 buttons, [EDIT] and [  ...  ]

  • Optionally, if you want to customize the image further, for example to add specific drivers, select [EDIT] and make the required changes
  • Once you are happy with the image configuration, click the [...] button and select "Export":

  • Follow the Wizard to export the image either as an ESXi installer ISO, or as an offline bundle, depending on what you need.
  • Once you are done, delete the cluster