Upgrading Aria Suite Lifecycle 8.18 fails with - ERROR: Exception while running bootstrap script
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Upgrading Aria Suite Lifecycle 8.18 fails with - ERROR: Exception while running bootstrap script


Article ID: 376292


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


Upgrade of Aria Suite Lifecycle to 8.18 fails with Error in the bootstrap.log we see the following in the UI 

When we download the bootstrap.log we see the following Error:


2024-08-12 12:16:29,180 __main__ - ERROR:Exception while running bootstrap script
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/lib/vrlcm/insert.py", line 432, in <module>
  File "/var/lib/vrlcm/insert.py", line 189, in statemachineoperation
    files = {'file': open(scriptpath+str(state['filename']), 'rb')}
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/var/lib/vrlcm/final/lcmagent/precheck-script.zip'
2024-08-12 12:16:29,180 __main__ - INFO:file removed /var/lib/vrlcm/INPROGRESS


This issue will be fixed in a later version of Aria Suite Lifecycle. 


To workaround this issue we can do the following. 


  1. Create a new file - touch upgradefix.sh
  2. Make the file executable - chmod 777 upgradefix.sh
  3. Edit the new file using vi and paste in the following
while [ 1 ]
    if [ ! -f /var/lib/vrlcm/final/lcmagent/precheck-script.zip ]; then
        echo "abc" > precheck-script.sh
        zip precheck-script.zip precheck-script.sh
        cp precheck-script.zip /var/lib/vrlcm/final/lcmagent/precheck-script.zip

    4. Save and quit the vi editing tool using :wq!

    5. Run the script and retry the upgrade.