Quiescing failure on RH Fedora Guest OS - Error when enabling the sync provider
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Quiescing failure on RH Fedora Guest OS - Error when enabling the sync provider


Article ID: 376291


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VMware vCenter Server


Taking a quiesced snapshot using the vSphere Web Client fails immediately with the error:

The guest OS has reported an error during quiescing. The error code was: 3 The error message was: Error when enabling the sync provider.

In the vmware.log file for the VM: 
2024-08-16T02:45:25.907Z In(05) vmx - VVolObjNotifySnapshotPrepare: Changing state to VEC_SNAP_PREPARE_IN_PROG.
2024-08-16T02:45:25.907Z In(05) vmx - OBJLIB-VVOLOBJ :VVolObjNotifySnapshotPrepare: Building in-mem cache
2024-08-16T02:45:25.909Z In(05) vmx - SNAPSHOT: SnapshotPrepareTakeDoneCB: Prepare phase complete (The operation completed successfully).
2024-08-16T02:45:26.006Z In(05) vcpu-1 - ToolsBackup: changing quiesce state: IDLE -> STARTED
2024-08-16T02:45:27.124Z In(05) vcpu-1 - Msg_Post: Warning
2024-08-16T02:45:27.124Z In(05) vcpu-1 - [msg.snapshot.quiesce.vmerr] The guest OS has reported an error during quiescing.
2024-08-16T02:45:27.124Z In(05)+ vcpu-1 - The error code was: 3
2024-08-16T02:45:27.124Z In(05)+ vcpu-1 - The error message was: Error when enabling the sync provider.
2024-08-16T02:45:27.124Z In(05) vcpu-1 - ----------------------------------------
2024-08-16T02:45:27.125Z In(05) vcpu-1 - VigorTransportProcessClientPayload: opID=lro-345638968-433959f3-01-01-e4-9e6a seq=1260514: Receiving Bootstrap.MessageReply request.
2024-08-16T02:45:27.125Z In(05) vcpu-1 - VigorTransport_ServerSendResponse opID=lro-345638968-433959f3-01-01-e4-9e6a seq=1260514: Completed Bootstrap request.
2024-08-16T02:45:27.125Z In(05) vcpu-1 - ToolsBackup: changing quiesce state: STARTED -> ERROR_WAIT
2024-08-16T02:45:28.125Z In(05) vcpu-1 - ToolsBackup: changing quiesce state: ERROR_WAIT -> IDLE
2024-08-16T02:45:28.125Z In(05) vcpu-1 - ToolsBackup: changing quiesce state: IDLE -> DONE
2024-08-16T02:45:28.125Z In(05) vcpu-1 - SnapshotVMXTakeSnapshotComplete: Done with snapshot 'BU_SNAPSHOT backup-vendor.org 1723776193': 0
2024-08-16T02:45:28.125Z In(05) vcpu-1 - SnapshotVMXTakeSnapshotComplete: Snapshot 0 failed: Failed to quiesce the virtual machine (29).
2024-08-16T02:45:28.125Z In(05) vcpu-1 - VVolObjNotifySnapshotDone: isEnabled: 1


ESXi 7.x
ESXi 8.x


Further investigation into this should be conducted in conjunction with the OS vendor


OS vendor should be engaged for further investigation

Additional Information

For more information on support for open-vm-tools and vendor supplied versions, please see the following documentation:

vSphere Client reports the status of VMware Tools as Unmanaged or Guest Managed

VMware support for open-vm-tools