Unable to enter time on a 1-day non-working day timesheet
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Unable to enter time on a 1-day non-working day timesheet


Article ID: 376250


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


It is not possible to enter time to a 1-day time period with a non-working day in the Modern UX Timesheet.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. In this example, working week goes from Monday to Friday, weekend is Saturday and Sunday.
  2. Create two 1-day time periods: one for Friday, August 30th, 2024; another for September 1st, 2024.
  3. Navigate to the Modern UX Timesheets and open the Friday timesheet.
  4. Add any task to the timesheet and enter time to the task.

Expected and Actual Results: Entered time remains in the task and timesheet can be submitted with the time.

  1. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 with the Sunday timesheet.

Expected Results: Entered time remains in the task and timesheet can be submitted with the time.

Actual Results: Entered time disappears from Sunday, but time remains in the Total column and the Effort Gauge (Hours bar). If the timesheet is submitted, the Total column still displays time, but the Effort Gauge displays zero hours. Refreshing the page also makes the Total column display no hours.


Clarity 16.2.2




This is fixed in Clarity 16.3.0

Workaround: Use Classic Timesheets for this period: (http(s)://example.com/niku/nu#action:timeadmin.timesheetBrowserReturn)