Aria Logs agents installed on VMware Aria Orchestrator show disconnected due to signal sigkill
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Aria Logs agents installed on VMware Aria Orchestrator show disconnected due to signal sigkill


Article ID: 376202


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


  • The Li agents on VMware Aria Orchestrator show disconnected in Aria Operations for Logs
  • In the agent logs located at /var/log/loginsight-agent on Aria Orchestrator, you see errors similar to:

    Event storage is nearly full, the current size is 123636 KB
    liagentd.service: killing process 4005025 (liagent) with signal sigkill

  • The Aria Logs cluster is sized correctly. Check sizing estimator here.


VMware Aria Operations for Logs 8.14.1
VMware Aria Orchestrator 8.14.x


  • This happens due to a service kill initiated by the VMware Aria Orchestrator appliance.


  • To resolve the issue, please restart the liagent service on VMware Aria Orchestrator

          systemctl restart liagent.service