After upgrading Productive Environment from 17.4.1 to 17.4.2 (no errors in Upgrade-GUI) Option-Parameter heat_weather is not available:
CA Service Desk Manager: 17.4.2.
1: Login into the production server
2: Open the command prompt from sdm production server.
3: Take the backup existing Options values using below command.
pdm_extract Options >> test_options.txt
4. Navitage the <NX_ROOT>/data/cm_data.dat has following entires.
#### L1 Analyst UI - Heat Weather Options ###
TABLE Options
id del description action value_active value default_value validation
option_name sequence sym action_status install_script deinstall_script readme app_name
{ "6005", "0" ,"The Heat Reindexing time interval in hours.\\0012Sets with default value 6 hours,if not installed.\\0012Range: 3 - 72 hours.",
"0", "1", "6", "6", "num 3 72", "heat_reindexing_interval", "", "heat_reindexing_interval", "Installed",
"$NX_ROOT/bin/pdm_options_mgr -c -b -a pdm_option.inst" ,
"$NX_ROOT/bin/pdm_options_mgr -b -n" ,
"", "Heat_Weather" }
{ "6006", "0" ,"This option is to enable or disable the On access Heat Calculation..",
"0", "0", "Yes", "Yes", "boolean", "on_access_heat_calculation", "", "on_access_heat_calculation", "Not Installed",
"$NX_ROOT/bin/pdm_options_mgr -c -b -a pdm_option.inst" ,
"$NX_ROOT/bin/pdm_options_mgr -c -b -a pdm_option.deinst" ,
"", "Heat_Weather" }
{ "6009", "0" , "Slump name of domsrvr used by Heat and Weather Daemon. Must be a string of the form domsrvr:xxx, where xxx can be any value. By default, Heat and Weather Daemon uses \"domsrvr\".", "0", "1", "domsrvr:hw",
"heat_weather_domsrvr", "", "heat_weather_domsrvr", "Installed",
"$NX_ROOT/bin/pdm_options_mgr -c -b -a pdm_option.inst" ,
"$NX_ROOT/bin/pdm_options_mgr -b -n" ,
"$NX_ROOT/bopcfg/options/wsp_domsrvr.readme" , "Heat_Weather"}
{ "6010", "0" ,"The Weather Reindexing time interval in minutes.\\0012Sets with default value 60 minutes,if not installed.\\0012Range: 30 - 720 minutes.",
"0", "1", "60", "60", "num 30 720", "weather_reindexing_interval", "", "weather_reindexing_interval", "Installed",
"$NX_ROOT/bin/pdm_options_mgr -c -b -a pdm_option.inst" ,
"$NX_ROOT/bin/pdm_options_mgr -b -n" ,
"", "Heat_Weather" }
{ "6011", "0" , "This option is to Enable/Disable the Heat & Weather feature on xFlow Analyst Interface.\\0012off - Feature is Turned Off.\\0012Heat - Only Heat is available.\\0012Heat & Weather - Both Heat and Weather are available.",
"0", "1", "HeatWeather","HeatWeather","list off Heat HeatWeather","option_name", "", "heat_weather", "Installed",
"$NX_ROOT/bin/pdm_options_mgr -c -b -a pdm_option.inst" ,
"$NX_ROOT/bin/pdm_options_mgr -b -n" ,
"", "Heat_Weather" }
{ "6013", "0" ,"Set the option to Yes when xFlow is installed.", "0", "1",
"No", "No", "boolean",
"xflow_installed", "", "xflow_installed", "Not Installed",
"$NX_ROOT/bin/pdm_options_mgr -b -c -a pdm_option.inst" ,
"$NX_ROOT/bin/pdm_options_mgr -b -c -a pdm_option.deinst" ,
"" , "General"}
{ "6014", "0" ,"Enables authentication for surveys", "0", "0",
"option_name", "", "op_Authenticate_Survey", "Not Installed",
"$NX_ROOT/bin/pdm_options_mgr -b -a option.inst" ,
"$NX_ROOT/bin/pdm_options_mgr -b -a option.deinst" ,
"" , "Request Mgr"}
5. copy the missing entry from above steps and create one text file like heat_wather_option.txt
6. pdm_load -f heat_wather_option.txt
7. restart the SDM Services
8. Open the SDM URL and check the missed Option value is showing or not.