Gen CSE performance and the Object Cache parameter
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Gen CSE performance and the Object Cache parameter


Article ID: 376176


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The Gen CSE Object Cache parameter which can be changed in the CSE Support Client can have a significant factor in overall CSE performance.
See doc. page: Tune the Client Server Encyclopedia > Cache and Threshold Settings


Gen Client/Server Encyclopedia (CSE)


  1. Per the doc. page the Object Cache controls the maximum number of unreferenced objects that can be kept in memory by each CSE process (upload, download etc) before Least Recently Used (LRU) algorithm will start to release them.
    Note that it is an upper limit which may or may not be reached by any specific CSE process initiated on the server itself or initiated by a CSE client e.g. copymdl/utlcpym, upload/utlup, download/utldown.

  2. By default at CSE configuration time the Object Cache is set to 100000 which for a production CSE would not be high enough.

  3. With the amount of memory (RAM) configured for modern day machines being typically high, there is less potential to set the Object Cache to be high enough to cause memory paging. However per the documentation it is good to know exactly how much memory usage the Object Cache value would equate to.
    To estimate the maximum value for the Object Cache use the following formula: available memory * 1500 
    available memory is the total system memory in megabytes minus the operating system requirements.
    1500 represents the number of objects per megabyte of memory that is used during resource-intensive processing on the CSE.
    So for example 1 GB of available memory = 1024 MB would equate to an Object Cache value of 1024 * 1500 = 1536000

  4. Based on Gen CSE user feedback in the Gen EDGE Community values of 1000000 and higher are quoted so that is probably a good starting point e.g.
    CSE Performance insufficient 
    Anyone has experience dealing with big encyclopedias? (50M dobj, 83M dasc)

Additional Information

See other sections of Tune the Client Server Encyclopedia for further information on CSE performance factors.