When running the $SPECROOT/SS/DDM/ddm_save.pl script the following error is seen:
mysqlbackup exit code: 3, One of the required files is corrupt
mysqlbackup failed with errors!
The following may also be seen:
240830 15:53:47 RDR1 ERROR: Tablespace count mismatch for table
ddmdb.event. Expected count : 46, Actual count : 44
Event files owned by root
Check the ownership of the files in $SPECROOT/mysql/data/ddmdb. They should all be owned by the spectrum install owner. If any are owned by root, the save will fail.
Stop Archive manager and mysql by using the $SPECROOT/bin/cmdC command.
Obtain the pid of each and run:
./cmdC localhost 1 pid_of_Archmgr
./cmdC localhost 1 pid_of_mysql
chown the event files to be owned by the spectrum install owner.
Start mysql by using launchinstdbapp in $SPECROOT/bin:
./launchinstdbapp localhost MYSQL y MYSQL.OUT
Start ArchMgr:
./launchinstdbapp localhost ARCHMGR n ARCHMGR.OUT