Endevor Bridge for Git application became unresponsive, found a lot of NoClassDefFoundError in the log:
2024-08-09 09:09:27.043 ERROR 67241791 --- [pool-1-thread-5] c.c.e.i.m.b.j.i.d.JobDispatcher : Job run failed
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: ch/qos/logback/core/status/ErrorStatus
Endevor V19
Bridge for Git 2.15.1
This could happen if lib folder was manipulated while the app was running or location with libraries disconnected (went unavailable).
Found following message for B4G ZFS filesystem, which is where Bridge for Git Home directory is mounted.
IOEZ00397I Recovery statistics for B4G_ZFS: 916
elapsed time 41 ms 768 log pages
175 log records, 9 data blocks modified
175 redo-data, 0 redo-fill records
0 undo records, 0 unwritten blocks
IOEZ00728I Resuming user operations for file system B4G_ZFS
There was a dump of OMVSZFS at the time. If it happens again, SysProgs will take the dump to IBM for analyze.