Task Rules and Tasks Workspace
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Task Rules and Tasks Workspace


Article ID: 376101


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Clarity PPM SaaS


When Project Blueprint rules are created disabling task fields, and then searching for the related projects on Tasks Workspace, throws an error API-1019 : Could not process the request due to internal error.  No Records are displayed.  Going back to tasks with the filter just returns a blank page with no error in the UI.


These rules compare a field on the project to a field on the task to determine if the task can be edited.

The concept is that tasks in future phases should not be able to be edited, but tasks in current phase and prior phases can be edited.

1.  Create 2 static lookups.  One will be used for the project and one for the task.

    It is possible the same lookup can be used, but for these STR there are 2 separate lookups.

a.  Project Lookup Values

     ID   Value

     10   Initiation  

      20   Discovery

      30   Design

      40   Construction

      50   Validation


    b. Task Lookup Values

ID   Value

10   Phase Initiation

20   Phase Discovery

30   Phase Design

40   Phase Contruction

50   Phase Validation


2.  Create 2 lookup attributes. One on the project object and one on the task object

    Use the associated lookups for the attributes.


3.  Create Rules on a Project Blueprint

    If project (custom attribute) = Initiation, Disable editing task attributes ( I chose charge code, % Complete, Open for Time Entry) where Task Phase <> Phase Initiation

    If project (custom attribute) = Discovery, Disable editing task attribute where Task Phase <> (Phase Initiation, Phase Discovery)

     Create rule for additonal phases


      - Enable rules and publish the blueprint 


4.  Associate some projects to the blueprint

5.  Add the Project Lookup Value attribute to the project list and  populate with Initiation.

6.  Create several tasks and associate each to a custom Phase lookup value created above.

7.  Add the Phase Initiation to some tasks.  Make sure all tasks have one of the Task Phases.

Expected Result:  All tasks show on the Tasks Workspace

Actual Result:  If all projects are using the same blueprint the Tasks Workspace will be blank. 

                Filtering for specific projects using the blueprint will show an error and the tasks will not show.  If navigating away and back to the Tasks Workspace the page will show blank (when the filter was previously applied.)


Workaround:  Disable Rules


Reported as DE153368 currently under review.