Duplicate entries are seen for the same device in the console. Each with a different "Registered" Date/Time and a unique Device ID. Additionally these devices may go to the default "Standard" policy instead of the policy they were assigned at install. Confer.log will show the registration attempts after the corruption:
ERROR DbSafeInitialize: failed to initialize C:\ProgramData\CarbonBlack\DataFiles\db_rep database: err[not an error]
WARNING DbSafeInitialize: trying to recover
INFO RepUtilRestoreSafeDbBackup: restored rep_db from safe backup
INFO CloudTask::OfflineInstall::RunTask: Offline Install detected and Cloud is now reachable - Attempting to register...
INFO RepUtilRegisterAfterOfflineInstall: Beginning registration attempt..
Ungraceful / hard shutdowns causing corruption of the sensor files. During this corruption the registration and policy information is lost, so it re-registers and may change policy depending on the settings enabled in the org.
Investigations are underway to make the sensor more robust during ungraceful shutdowns. This being tracked under CRE-18013 / DSEN-27717 / DSEN-27719