Gorouter still shows HTTP/1 instead of HTTP/2 after following official docs.
This issue can occur if there is a network hop that is not properly configured for HTTP/2. This is often times due to a load balancer that sits in front of the Gorouter, resulting in the Gorouter recording HTTP/1.
If there is a Load Balancer involved as mentioned above, then please proceed to next steps. If, after checking below, the customer is still experiencing an issue then open a Tanzu/TAS support case on the Broadcom Customer Support Portal.
1.) Check if Gorouter is configured properly by running below curl command. If it is configured correctly, then will see HTTP/2.
2.) Prep load balancer to handle HTTP/2. (https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Tanzu-Application-Service/5.0/tas-for-vms/supporting-http2.html#:~:text=and%20the%20app.-,Configure%20load%20balancers,-To%20support%20HTTP)
*If still seeing HTTP/1 in RTR logs, then please see the below items: