2024-09-11T12:38:09.197Z INFO WrapperSimpleAppMain EntityManager 31590 - [nsx@6876 comp="nsx-manager" level="INFO" subcomp="cbm"] Defined a local entity: Entity{entityType=api, entityUuid=<UUID-redacted>, address=/<ip-address>, portNumber=443, certificate=-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
, isInCluster=Optional.empty, fqdn=, networkPrefixLength=22}
In above cbm.log, "fqdn=" field is missing its own FQDN.
VMware NSX
Manually editing the /etc/hosts entry to change the IP address/FQDN/hostname on the NSX Manager VMs to anything other than the NSX Manager's info of itself causes issues with the upgrade workflow.
root@nsx-mgr:~# cat etc/hosts localhost
<incorrect-NSX-Manager-IP-address> <incorrect-NSX-Manager-FQDN> <incorrect-NSX-Manager-hostname>
Manually edit the /etc/hosts file to the correct IP address/FQDN/hostname, save the change and reboot the NSX Manager VM.