After upgrading Aria Automation/Orchestrator to version 8.18 you cannot use the various runtime Environment while develop the workflow (like Python,PowerShell, Node.js etc) also you cannot select those when edit or create Environment in the Assets >> Environments
Also, you might see a warning in orchestrator UI, when trying to modify the Environment in the Assets >> Environments
"Environment is using runtime Python 3.10 which is no longer available. The Environment will use the latest version of the most appropriate runtime for the script if you do not update manually."
Example message in Orchestrator UI:
Please also take a look on other KBs related with the Orchestrator Environment:
Aria Automation Orchestrator shows "Action is using runtime python 3.10 which is not available"
Automation Orchestrator actions fail when trying to deploy VMs with runtime python:3.10 is not supported
VMware Aria Automation/Orchestrator 8.18
A race condition while loading the images for runtime environments might lead to Orchestrator caching available runtime images before the full loading has completed.
The fix for that issue is planned for 8.18.1 release.
Workaround: Restart the orchestrator server Kubernetes container using the following command:
kubectl -n prelude get pods -l app=vco-app -o --no-headers | xargs -I{} kubectl -n prelude exec {} -c vco-server-app -- bash -c "kill 1"