No Draft with missing required attributes in Status Report Canvas
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No Draft with missing required attributes in Status Report Canvas


Article ID: 376046


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


In Modern UX Status Reports, if the Canvas does not contain all the required attributes (except Name and ID), publishing a Status Report will not auto-generate a new Draft with the published (now Final) Status Report values.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Navigate to Classic Administration > Studio > Objects > Status Reports > Attributes.
  2. Open any attribute (e.g.: Cost and Effort Status) and make it required.
  3. Open any project in the Modern UX in the 'Status' module.
  4. If there was no Draft Status Report, grid will be shown. Create a new Status Report with a value in the required attribute.
  5. If there was a Status Report, set a value for the required attribute.
  6. Ensure that the Status Report displays the required attribute in the Canvas.
  7. Publish the Status Report.

Expected and Actual results: The Status Report will change to Final, and a new Draft Status Report will be created with the same values as the published one (i.e.: the new Draft will have the same value, not blank, for the required attribute).

  1. Remove the required attribute from the Status Report Canvas.
  2. Fully refresh the page.
  3. Publish the new Draft Status Report.

Expected Results: The Status Report will change to Final, and a new Draft Status Report will be created with the same values as the published one (i.e.: the new Draft will have the same value, not blank, for the required attribute).

Actual Results: The Status Report will change to Final, and the Status Report Grid will be displayed. No Draft Status Report will be created with the copy of the values from the published Status Report (even though that this Status Report does not display the required value in the published PDF, the non blank value can still be seen in the Grid).




After a careful review, this has now been closed and a new user story has been put in place to hold the work needed to refactor the code area affected. This will be implemented in a future release.