AuthHub SAML - Invalid CORS request
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AuthHub SAML - Invalid CORS request


Article ID: 376028


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You may experience the following error message - Invalid CORS request when attempting to Identity Provider (IDP) initiate a connection to CloudHealth from your SAML application post migration to AuthHub SAML. 

IDP initiation in this case would be launching the app from a tile within Azure AD or Okta for example, or any path other than being redirected from "".


This issue being present would point to the following ACS URL, Callback URL or Sign In Endpoint being configured within your SAML application - "".

This URL only supports Service Provider (SP) initiated connections currently and would only function when being redirected from "".

In order to allow for IDP Initiated connections please update the  ACS URL, Callback URL or Sign In Endpoint configured with your SAML application to "".