How can you create Threshold profile folders, profiles and rules via REST API but associate them only to a specific tenant in DX NetOps CA Performance Management (CAPM)
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How can you create Threshold profile folders, profiles and rules via REST API but associate them only to a specific tenant in DX NetOps CA Performance Management (CAPM)


Article ID: 376016


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DX NetOps CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration


Requirement is to create some Threshold profile folders, profiles and rules via API but for them to be associated only to a specific tenant.

The API endpoints used to fulfil this request are below:

If this task is done manually via the GUI (either from the Admin account and then Administering the Tenant or via logging in using one of the tenant Admin accounts), it works fine. Everything created stays only in the tenant it was created in and if you open up a new tenant configuration, it won't be visible.

However, when creating them via REST API calls, the problem is that they are associated and visible from any Tenant (default and all Tenants present in the application). If a profile, rule or folder is deleted from any tenant it will be removed from all other tenants as well. 

How can this be changed to work the same as manually doing it from the GUI?


DX NetOps CAPM all supported releases


The URL has to contain the tenantID, as per the following sample


It is important to know what ID the tenant has and also the IPDomain.

IPDoman: /rest/ipdomains
Tenants: /rest/tenants 



To get the Tenant ID use the following URL in the Browser:

http://<Portal-server>:8181/pc/center/webservice/tenants - shows a list of the known tenants with detailed information.

http://<Portal-server>:8181/pc/center/webservice/domains - shows a list of the known domains with detailed information. 

So, in this case:

  • http://<data_aggregator>:8581/rest/tenant/<tenantID>/eventprofiles/documentation
  • http://<data_aggregator>:8581/rest/tenant/<tenantID>/eventprofilegroups/documentation
  • http://<data_aggregator>:8581/rest/tenant/<tenantID>/eventrules/documentation