Agent cannot start | No name matching
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Agent cannot start | No name matching


Article ID: 376005


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CA Automic Workload Automation - Automation Engine CA Automic One Automation Automic SaaS


Java-based agent (like the db_service or JDE agent) will not start up when attempting to reach the Automation Engine.  This could be with a self-signed certificate or a CA signed certificate.

20240829/122318.796 - Caused by No name matching [JCP_DNSNAME] found
20240829/122318.803 - java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: No name matching [JCP_DNSNAME] found
20240829/122318.815 - Caused by No name matching [JCP_DNSNAME] found
20240829/122318.824 - Caused by No name matching [JCP_DNSNAME] found


Version 21.0, 24.x + 


Incorrect version of java used


Looking at the agent log and/or JCP log, the very first lines include information about the java being used:

20240829/122314.561 - U02000090 Java Runtime Environment version: '21.0.2'
20240829/122314.576 - U02000421 Java Runtime Environment name: 'Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment'
20240829/122314.596 - U02000091 Java Runtime Environment vendor: 'Oracle Corporation'
20240829/122314.613 - U02000113 Path for native libraries: 'C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-21\bin...

The version of java must be a version that is compatible with the version of Automic.  For example, version 21.0 only supports openjdk 11, oracle 1.8, or oracle 11.  24.1 only supported the use of openjdk17, openjdk11, and oracle 11.

You will need to install a compatible version of java per the compatibility matrix, point the agent and JCP startup command to this version of java, and rebuild the keystore file and certificate with the same version and build number of java.

In the case of using a self-signed certificate, the full certificate chain will also need to be imported into the version of java's /lib/security/cacerts