After NSX Edge VM Upgrade to 4.2 The service dispatcher and dataplane continually changed from STARTED to STOPPED when edge VM is on a host with Intel Ivy Bridge or Sandy Bridge CPUs
After NSX Edge VM Upgrade to 4.2 The service dispatcher and dataplane continually changed from STARTED to STOPPED when edge VM is on a host with Intel Ivy Bridge or Sandy Bridge CPUs
Article ID: 375951
Updated On: 10-14-2024
VMware NSX
After edge is upgraded and rebooted, dispatcher and dataplane services fail and will not start. Restarts of services are seen with no resolution. Edge goes to failed state and upgrade shows as failed in manager UI with the error messages -
Pnic status of the edge transport node <UUID> is DOWN.
Overall status of the edge transport node <UUID> is DOWN.
Edge node <UUID> , has errors Errors = [{"moduleName":"upgrade-coordinator","errorCode":30201,"errorMessage":"Pnic status of the edge transport node <<UUID> is DOWN."}, {"moduleName":"upgrade-coordinator","errorCode":30212,"errorMessage":"Overall status of the edge transport node <UUID> is DOWN."}, ] after state sync wait.
A coredump in /var/log/core with the name core.Suricata-Main.<xxxx.xxxxx>.gz will be constantly generated
Edge Alarms that will constantly open and resolve
NSX 4.2
This issue is resolved in NSX T 4.2.1
Workaround: After the upgrade fails, guest OS power down the edge VM and cold migrate to a host with a CPU newer than sandy bridge or ivy bridge generation.