When using Automation Central in Aria Operations to schedule a restart or power on/off of a VM the job fails with just "Error" in the History tab.
In the actionScheduler logs:
2024-08-26T18:11:13,055+0000 ERROR [pool-46-thread-13] com.vmware.vcops.analytics.action.schedule.runner.RemActionRunner.convertToTaskResult - Action #### run failed with status ACTION_NEVER_STARTED; error msgs: [No resources provided to run action on. Execution Aborted]}; warn msgs: []}; info msgs: []
In the actions-data logs:
15:11:13 ART 2024, entryKind='action start status', entryState=NO_DISPATCH, stampedInfoMessages=[StampedMessage{fractionalSecs='.049000', timeStamp=Mon Aug 26 15:11:13 ART 2024, message='Triggering from action schedule [test 4]'}], stampedWarningMessages=[], stampedErrorMessages=[StampedMessage{fractionalSecs='.049000', timeStamp=Mon Aug 26 15:11:13 ART 2024, message='No resources provided to run action on. Execution Aborted'}], asyncStatuses=[], actionReturnResults=null, resourceUUid='null'}], jobParameters=[], triggeredAutomatically=true, triggeringSource='Schedule', triggeringEventId='<event ID>', triggeringEventName='####', actionContextKey='Reboot Guest OS For VM', actionKey='Reboot Guest OS For VM', startDate=Mon Aug 26 15:11:13 ART 2024, completionDate=null, contextResourceUUIDs=[]} com.vmware.statsplatform.persistence.remediation.JobContext@b99a3b8]
Aria Operations
Aria Operations 8.x
Operations Actions is not enabled for vCenter adapter.
Step 1: From the UI go to Administration > Integrations > vCenter integration - Expand the vCenter integration.
Step 2: Select a vCenter integration - At the 3 dotted vertical line, Click Edit to configure settings.
Step 3. Under Operational Actions (near the bottom of the edit page) - check the Activate checkbox to enable actions.
Step 4: Click Save