Git Integration and Polyglot Scripting are not available in Aria Orchestrator when connected to Aria Automation with an Advanced License after upgrading to 8.18.0
Article ID: 375928
Updated On:
VMware Aria Suite
After upgrade of Aria Automation and Aria Automation Orchestrator to version 8.18.0, Orchestrator instances connected to Automation as the authentication provider, Git Integration and Polyglot Scripting become unavailable.
The problem exists only in Aria Automation deployments entitled with an Advanced license.
VMware Aria Automation 8.18.0
Aria Automation's orchestration capabilities for Advanced licenses are mis-configured in 8.18.0.
This issue is resolved in VMware Aria Automation 8.18.1.
Take simultaneous virtual machine snapshots without memory, with quiescing for each appliance in the cluster.
You have access to root username and password.
You have access to SSH utilities such as PuTTy.
Download the file titled sr66285.tar.gz
SSH into one appliance in the cluster.
Upload this file to the appliance using a transfer utility such as WinSCP or an equivalent.
Run the following command: (tar -xvf sr66285.tar.gz -C /tmp && chmod a+x /tmp/ && /tmp/; rm -f /tmp/
Wait for 15 minutes for services to fully restart.
Login to Aria Automation Orchestrator using a new browser session.
Verify the issue is resolved by validating that Git Integration and Polyglot Scripting are now available.