Post Aria Operations for Networks SaaS to On Prem Migration, enable latency metric collection for NSX-T shows error "Latency metric collector is already enabled for another collector. It can be enabled for single collector at a time."
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Post Aria Operations for Networks SaaS to On Prem Migration, enable latency metric collection for NSX-T shows error "Latency metric collector is already enabled for another collector. It can be enabled for single collector at a time."


Article ID: 375909


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VMware Aria Operations for Networks


Post SaaS to On Prem Migration Unable to enable latency metric collection for NSX-T in Aria Operations for Networks

NSXT is added to Aria Operations for Networks as a datasource using VIP.

Error message seen from Aria Operations for Networks GUI as below:



VMware Aria Operations for Networks 6.10
VMware Aria Operations for Networks 6.11
VMware Aria Operations for Networks 6.12
VMware Aria Operations for Networks 6.12.1
VMware Aria Operations for Networks 6.13.0


Error message seen is expected as NSXT Latency metric can be enabled for one collector as a given time as per design.

This issue occurs when on older collector node has been deleted without removing the Latency metric option from VMware Aria Operations for Networks GUI.


To fix this issue, delete the existing/old NSX_T latency entry using via Postman using  NSX-T API, see below:

OperationCollectorGlobalConfig already has one collector added.

In order to remove this existing entry do the following.

1. Use Postman

2.  Login credentials should be "Basic Authentication" on Postman, refer to screenshot below:


3. Use "PUT" following contents using below API

https://<NSX-T IP>/api/v1/global-configs/OperationCollectorGlobalConfig

2. In Body of the API add below using Postman:

    "collectors": [],
    "report_interval": 1,
    "resource_type": "OperationCollectorGlobalConfig",
    "_revision": 1

Refer to below screenshots form Postman:

Verify the existing profile:

Adding Body to Postman

Using PUT to send 


3. Wait for 5 minutes and enable NSXT Latency checkbox in Aria Operations for Networks GUI and Click Submit.

4. No error should come this time and datasource gets sucesfully added for latency metric collection.