average run time for autosys jobs
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average run time for autosys jobs


Article ID: 375907


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Autosys Workload Automation


Looking for a way to report the autosys job run averages



You can get the average run time for a job via a call to the autosys webserver.


To get the details for a single job named sleep99:

curl -X GET "https://example.com:9443/AEWS/job-run-info/sleep99" -k --user "USERNAME:PASSWORD" -i 

Replace example.com with your autosys webserver hostname. And replace the USERNAME and PASSWORD with an id and password that has access to the autosys webserver.  And replace sleep99 with you actual job name.

If you leave off the job name in the call that would get the results for ALL the jobs.
curl -X GET "https://example.com:9443/AEWS/job-run-info" -k --user "USERNAME:PASSWORD" -i 

For more details about your autosys webserver (assuming you have it installed) please see:



AutoSys Web Services

Please note that the average job run details are only populated/updated if/when dbstatistics is run.
This means if you insert a new job and run it ten times it will not have a valid run average yet.
If you then run dbstatistics or allow it to run by default as part of dbmaint then it will get an updated/proper value for that field.
The stats for the job do NOT get updated after each run.
They are only updated when dbstatistics is run.