Failed to deploy OVF/OVA package 'Issues detected with selected template. Details: - 145:17:VALUE_ILLEGAL: Value ''3'' of Parent element does not refer to a ref of type [SATA, IDE] - got NVME.'
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Failed to deploy OVF/OVA package 'Issues detected with selected template. Details: - 145:17:VALUE_ILLEGAL: Value ''3'' of Parent element does not refer to a ref of type [SATA, IDE] - got NVME.'


Article ID: 375876


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server


  • Deploying an .ova .ovf template from vCenter fails post destination compatibility checks.
  • When reviewing the deployment task, you see an error message:
    Failed to deploy OVF package.
    45:17:VALUE_ILLEGAL: Value "3" of Parent element does not refer to a ref of type [SATA, IDE] - got NVME.
  • see below for an example:



vSphere 7.0

VMware vCenter Server 7.0 

VMware ESXi 7.0 


Customer was using NVME as Storage controller for CD/DVD drive. Based on error we opened .ova file in a text editor and locate the Parent value as mentioned in error, it was CD/DVD drive and was set to use NVME as Storage controller. 



When you create a virtual machine, a controller is added by default and the CD/DVD drive is attached to that controller. The controller and driver type depend on the guest operating system. Typically, virtual machines with newer guest operating systems have a SATA controller and CD/DVD drive. Other guests use an IDE controller and CD/DVD drive. NVME is not a supported controller type for CD/DVD drive configuration hence we will need to change it to make the template valid. 

It is not the best way to edit .ova/.ovf files to make changes. Instead we can use following steps.

  1. Convert .ova/.ovf template to virtual machine
  2. Edit virtual machine settings and locate CD/DVD drive 
  3. Change the controller type to either SATA or IDE, best supported by guest OS 
  4. Save changes and exit virtual machine settings wizard 
  5. Convert edited virtual machine to .ova/.ovf template for further use