A filetransfer sending a file from windows to unix and it is adding a line if the characters are less than 20
This does not happen on all systems or all transfers, but could happen in some situations.
The job is FTPing a file from windows to Unix.
If the characters are 20 or more, the file is good.
If the characters are less than 20, it adds a blank line below.
JOBF File Format settings being text instead of Binary
Changed the file format from Binary to Text and this worked. Excerpt from the documentation:
In the Transfer Settings section, specify the settings that govern the transfer:
File Format
Format with which the file should be transferred
Text: Only the content of the file is copied. Use this option if you transfer files with a different syntax from one Operating System to another. For example, to transfer files from Windows to UNIX. In this case, the conversion is automatically done.
Binary: The files and not just their contents are transferred.
See File Transfers (JOBF) -> Defining File Transfer-Specific Settings -> File Format for more information on JOBF settings