After a recent upgrade of the DX NetOps Portal the Alarm Console Dashboard no longer shows Spectrum Alarms.
In the (default path shown) /opt/CA/PerformanceCenter/EM/logs/EMService.log we see these errors.
ERROR | qtp513284343-3753 | 2024-08-26 13:39:22,623 |
| Error refreshing properties from database
org.springframework.jdbc.BadSqlGrammarException: PreparedStatementCallback; bad SQL grammar [SELECT PropName, PropValue, Priority, Deleted, K FROM performance_center_properties ORDER BY PropName, Priority DESC]; nested exception is java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: Unknown column 'K' in 'field list'
Caused by: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: Unknown column 'K' in 'field list'
Reviewing the (default path shown) /opt/CA/PerformanceCenter/InstallLogs/emmigrate.log.<DATE> log file from the latest upgrade we see these errors.
SEVERE: An exception occurred on step 0 (upgrade/ of loading /apps/CA/PerformanceCenter/Tools/bin/../../EM/SQL/upgrade/
java.sql.SQLException: Error executing command: CALL copy_sso_encryption_key() on line 45 in script /apps/CA/PerformanceCenter/Tools/bin/../../EM/SQL/upgrade/ Data truncation: Data too long for column 'l_propValue' at row 2
Checking for the K column in a MySql prompt shows it is missing.
mysql> select K from em.performance_center_properties;
ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'K' in 'field list'
Checking the Portal MySql Event Manager EM DB revision information in a MySql prompt it has not updated in many releases.
mysql> select * from em.revision_info;
| Version | InstallDate | DbSchemaVersion | ID |
| | 2021-01-05 08:28:04 | | 1 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)
The systems (default path shown) /opt/CA/PerformanceCenter/InstallLogs/.history file shows many other releases installed since 20.2.6 referenced by the EM DB.
Performance Center installed at 01/05/2021 14:28:48
Performance Center installed at 10/21/2021 08:57:48
Performance Center installed at 03/08/2022 14:22:34
Performance Center installed at 11/02/2022 18:25:22
Performance Center installed at 04/04/2023 17:44:17
DX NetOps Portal installed at 08/26/2024 03:45:59
All supported DX NetOps Performance Management releases
Code defect results in Portal MySql Event Manager EM DB upgrade failures.
Complete the following steps to resolve this.
The process is complete, the em DB is properly upgraded, when netqosportal.revision_info and em.revision_info DB table values match. Both should show the same release.