vCenter Home page displays "You have no privileges to view this object or it is deleted"
Article ID: 375829
Updated On:
VMware vCenter Server
The vCenter Home page does not show any details and will not be able to change any vCenter Server setting such as General or Advanced settings, it shows the below error message.
Except the vCenter Server Homepage (such as Summary, Configure tab etc.), all the other VC inventories are visible, manageable and editable without any issue.
This issue is observed on the SSO Administrator and AD user logins.
VMware vCenter Server 7.x VMware vCenter Server 8.x
This issue is caused if the VC FQDN is missing under the Runtime settings of vCenter Server -> Configure -> General Settings.
Follow below steps to confirm the Runtime settings using vCenter Server MOB:
Login to the https://vCenterfqdn/mob/?moid=VpxSettings with SSO Credentials.
Click on QueryOptions
Type VirtualCenter.InstanceName under string value and click Invoke Method.
It's visible that the string value is empty.
Login to the vCenter Server MOB URL https://vCenterfqdn/mob/?moid=VpxSettings with your SSO Administrator credentials.
Click on UpdateOptions.
Provide the VirtualCenter.InstanceName between the tags <key></key> and then the actual FQDN of your vCenter Server string shown in the VALUE section shown as follows and click on Invoke Method.
Before updating the values you will see:
Editing the VALUE section will look similar to the following:
Close the MOB window for UpdateOptions
Refresh the vSphere Client UI and verify the status of Summary and Configure tabs of the vCenter Server root object in the Inventory.
In case it still shows the Privilege error, please restart all the vCenter services using below command in an SSH session to the vCSA VM. service-control --stop --all && service-control --start --all