The Java-based OS agent does not start on Windows. There is no log file created.
Automic Automation Engine
Component: Agent OS Java
Missing third-party libraries.
To maintain more information the Java-based Windows can be started from the command line with the following command:
C:\Automic\Agents\windows\bin>ucxjwx6.exe --console
This will spawn another cmd with the following output:
Launcher process 5016 started
Press ENTER key to start...
Once ENTER is clicked the following output is revealed:
Launcher process 5016 started
Press ENTER key to start...
C:\Automic\Agents\windows\bin is the current working directory
Checking if path C:\Automic\Agents\windows\bin\smgr_deployment.txt exists...
No (The system cannot find the file specified.
Initializing COM
C:\Automic\Agents\windows\bin is the current working directory
Attempting to delete file C:\Automic\Agents\windows\bin\access_test.txt...
Checking if path C:\Automic\Agents\windows\bin\ exists...
No (The system cannot find the file specified.
Checking if path C:\Automic\Agents\windows\bin\ucxjoss_run.jar exists...
The epoch mtime of C:\Automic\Agents\windows\bin\ucxjoss.jar in ms is 1721048868
The epoch mtime of C:\Automic\Agents\windows\bin\ucxjoss_run.jar in ms is 1721048868
Checking if path C:\Automic\Agents\windows\bin\jre exists...
Uninitializing COM
JAVA_HOME identified as: C:\Automic\Agents\windows\bin\jre
JVM option: -Djava.class.path=ucxjoss_run.jar
JVM option:
Argument: -exeucxjwx6.exe
Argument: -agentPerformedCau=true
126 - The specified module could not be found. >libcpprnt/src/System.cpp#sys::System::loadLibrary:220<
Press ENTER key to exit after exception...
This message "126 - The specified module could not be found. >libcpprnt/src/System.cpp#sys::System::loadLibrary:220<" indicates that the latest Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable package is not installed on the Windows server.
The latest Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable package can be downloaded here: Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable latest supported downloads