How to check what version of PowerShell, PowerCLI and Python Aria Automation/Orchestrator is using
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How to check what version of PowerShell, PowerCLI and Python Aria Automation/Orchestrator is using


Article ID: 375771


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


This is a KB to show how to check what version of PowerShell, PowerCLI and Python Aria Automation is using.


When Aria Automation/Orchestrator upgrades are done it can update the version of PowerShell, PowerCLI and Python it is currently using. This can cause issues with scripts currently configured Aria Orchestrator. If we know the version of the languages before upgrading Aria Automation then testing can be done.



We can use the following kubectl command in Aria Automation/Orchestrator 

kubectl -n prelude exec -it $(kubectl get pod -n prelude -l app=vco-app -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}") -c vco-polyglot-runner -- docker image ls