"Failed to Start: An error occurred during the initialization" error when trying to access VMware Cloud Director after upgrade or certificates update.
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"Failed to Start: An error occurred during the initialization" error when trying to access VMware Cloud Director after upgrade or certificates update.


Article ID: 375760


Updated On:


VMware Cloud Director


  • Unable to login to VMware Cloud Director (VCD) UI after upgrade or change of certificates.
    Failed to Start
    "An error occurred during the initialization. Accessing the application through an unsupported public URL or poor connectivity might cause this error." 
  • While accessing VCD UI, in the console table of developers tools of the browser we can see the following errors
    GET https://xxx/api/versions net::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID.
  • Verify the following KB article did not resolve the Issue-
    Failed to Start: An error occurred during the initialization


VMware Cloud Director


There could be two possible reasons for this Issue-

a) Common Name (CN) on the certificate does not match with the VCD https/http address on Public Address page. 
b) Public Address page is blank and does have any https/http address provided.


When this Issue appears, VCD UI can be accessed from a Private Window and the following could be done based on the cause-
Go to Provider >Administration> Public Addresses

a) Redeploy the certificate with correct CN to match http/https addresses.
b) If blank, update the correct http/https addresses.

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