The ESXi Host hostd.log reports 'directoryPath=/temp failed' and Site Recovery Manager or Live Site Recovery vmware-dr.logs reports ' createTemporaryDirectory' File was not found:
hostd.log: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.msZ In(166) Hostd[2099343]: [Originator@6876 sub=Vmsvc.vm:/vmfs/volumes/datastore_uuid/vm_name/vm_name.vmx] [N8Guestsvc30CreateTemporaryFileRequestImplE:0x000000563fa51bf0] opCode=8 auth=<hidden> prefix=srm- suffix= directoryPath=/temp failed
--> msg = "Received SOAP response fault from [<SSL(<io_obj p:0x00007f57bc07f770, h:34, <TCP 'x.x.x.x : 34326'>, <TCP 'x.x.x.x : 443'>>), /sdk>]: createTemporaryDirectory
--> File was not found"
In the ESXi host hostd.log where the VM resides, search for "directoryPath=/temp failed" with command:
In the site recovery manager logs with command:
SRM uses the default /tmp on the ESXi Host, with full permissions:
drwxrwxrwt 1 root root 512 Aug 27 22:01 tmp
If you see in hostd.log. Thi is due to a custom configuration on the ESXi Host and SRM.
CreateTemporaryFileRequest and directoryPath=/temp failed
directory is missing on the Protected Site ESXi Host and the DR Site ESXi Host. To resolve this, create the /temp
directory with full permissions (chmod 777
directory on the ESXi Host, which should have the following permissions:
drwxrwxrwt 1 root root 512 Aug 27 22:01 /tmp
3.Create the /temp
Directory on Both Sites
Run the following commands:
mkdir /temp
chmod -R 777 /temp
4 After confirming the directory /temp is at both sites is removed. Configure in Site Recovery for Advanced Settings the recovery.defaultLinuxCustomizationBaseDir with the directory to use for Recovery, the test recovery is a success. Check vSphere Client >
> Site Recovery > OPEN Site Recovery > View Details > Site Pair > Advanced Settings > Recovery > EDIT > recovery.defaultLinuxCustomizationBaseDir make sure this is blank and uses /tmp on the Hosts, in this case added /temp.