When creating a Load Balancer, the port number cannot be entered in the Dashboard
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When creating a Load Balancer, the port number cannot be entered in the Dashboard


Article ID: 375692


Updated On:


VMware Integrated OpenStack


  • When going to add a member to a pool via the Octavia UI, the text fields for ip address, weight and port number don't display correctly. This prevents you from adding members to a pool and from submitting the form.
  • This happens from Firefox, Chrome and Edge browsers.
  • Doing this operation from API/CLI works fine.




This was caused by a change made to chromium based browsers.   This was documented in upstream in this Openstack storyboard and this Octavia bug


This is resolved in the attached patch.  

Here are oneoffpatch commands:

  1. Copy patch to the management server.
  2. Add patch to inventory.
    #viocli oneoffpatch add -l /tmp/vio-patch-7x-PR3271495.tgz
  3. Install one-off patch.
    #viocli oneoffpatch install -p <patch name>
  4. List one-off patches and status.
    #viocli oneoffpatch list
  5. After this oneoffpatch installed, please restart memcached pods.
  6. Clear browser cache.

To remove one-off patch:

#viocli oneoffpatch uninstall -p <patch name>
#viocli oneoffpatch delete -p <patch name>


vio-patch-7x-PR3271495.tgz get_app