Deploying a VM from a content library shows an error about the storage backing being removed.
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Deploying a VM from a content library shows an error about the storage backing being removed.


Article ID: 375688


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server 7.0 VMware vCenter Server 8.0


Trying to deploy a VM from a content library throws a similar error related to a missing datastore:

The provided storage backing Datastore:datastore-XXXX:XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX for library ZZZZZZZZ-ZZZZ-ZZZZ-ZZZZZZZZZZZZ does not exist, the storage backing might be removed, disconnected, or no longer accessible via Datastore:datastore-XXXX:XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX.


Running the following poweshell command also shows no datastore listed


Get-ContentLibrary <Content_Library_Name>| Select *

AuthenticationEnabled    : False
Published                : False
PublishUrl               : <Content_Library_publish_URL> Example: https://<VCFQDN>/cls/vcsp/lib/<UUID>/lib.json
PersistJson              : False
OptimizeRemotePublishing : False
Type                     : Local
CreateDate               : 3/4/2035:11:41 PM
UpdateDate               : 3/4/2024 12:10:41 PM
Description              :
SyncDate                 :
Version                  : 2
Datastore                :
Id                       : <UUID>
Name                     : Content_Library_Name
Uid                      : /VIServer=servername\username@VCFQDN:443/LocalContentLibrary=UUID


vCenter Server 7.x

vCenter Server 8.x


This is likely caused by a datastore that was improperly removed from the vCenter


Rebuilding the Content Library is the best option to fix this error