How to boot Identity Manager into Single User Mode
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How to boot Identity Manager into Single User Mode


Article ID: 375672


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


This article contains steps on how to boot Identity Manager (vIDM) into single user mode for troubleshooting purposes


NOTE - Take a snapshot or backup of the vIDM appliance before proceeding

  1. Reboot the vIDM appliance appliance
  2. After the OS starts, press e to access the GNU GRUB Edit Menu
  3. Locate the line that begins with the word Linux
  4. Append these entries to the end of the line:

rw init=/bin/bash

  1. Press F10 to start the virtual appliance in single-user mode. You should not be at the command prompt.
  2. When you are done performing troubleshooting steps in Single User Mode run the following command

umount /

  1. Finally, reboot the vIDM appliance. You must include the -f option to force a reboot; otherwise, the kernel enters a state of panic

reboot -f