Static routes are not seen in all locations for federated environment
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Static routes are not seen in all locations for federated environment


Article ID: 375670


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VMware NSX



  • You Configure a Static Route from NSX Global Manager (GM).
  • Static route created from the GM is not realized on T0 GW on secondary location, but it's correctly realized on the primary location.



VMware NSX Federation


This is an expected behavior as per NSX design. 



As per NSX-T Data Center Administration Guide, section Add a Tier-0 Gateway from Global Manager:

"When you add a static route on a tier-0 gateway, the default behavior is that the static routes are pushed to all locations configured on the gateway. However, the routes are enabled only on the primary locations. This ensures that on the secondary locations, the routes that are learned from the primary location are preferred.

If you want to change this behavior, you can use the Enabled on Secondary setting and the Scope setting.

If you select Enabled on Secondary, the static route is also enabled on the secondary locations.

When you add a next hop for a static route, you can set the Scope. The scope can be an interface, a gateway, or a segment. On a tier-0 gateway created from Global Manager, the scope can also be a location. You can use the scope setting to configure different next hops for each location."

Note: The flag 'Enabled on Secondary' is present in GM UI since federation released in 3.0 and you can only see this flag if you have primary and secondary location configured on T0. This flag will not be visible if you have only one location configured.