Create read only Dashboards Designer views in OC
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Create read only Dashboards Designer views in OC


Article ID: 375640


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


When we provide the Dashboard Designer ACL to DX UIM users, they are able to see but also create, modify and delete the dashboards. 

What ACL permission shall we give to users / What is the procedure to provide Operator Console (OC) users  a read only (read-only) view to Dashboards that are created with the Dashboard Designer OC webapp? We want to prevent the users to create, modify or delete existing dashboards. 



  • DX UIM 20.4CU4 and later
  • DX UIM 23.4.* 




Starting DX UIM 20.4CU4 and later, to provide users read-only view of Dashboards created in the dashboard designer, you can create Account Users (creted in OC > Account Admin) and assign a published Dashboard to the Account the Account user created belongs to. 

The bus users (DX UIM users) that are created in Infrastructure Manager (IM) do not have the possibility to only read (read-only) dashboards. Assigning the "Dashboard Desginer" ACL will always give permission to these kind of users to edit and create and delete dashboards. 

Account Contacts (users) that are assigned the Dashboard Designer permission will have read-only view on the dashboards published to the their account.

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