Activation of persistent cookie ACO and 7 days added in Web Agent
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Activation of persistent cookie ACO and 7 days added in Web Agent


Article ID: 375631


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SITEMINDER CA Single Sign On Agents (SiteMinder) CA Single Sign On Secure Proxy Server (SiteMinder)


Running Web Agent, then activating the ACO parameter for persistent cookie, what is the reason to set the "SMSESSION" cookie validity period is automatically sent to the current date/time + 7 days (1)?

Is there a way to modify the validity period?



On one hand, the Default Session cookie is transient in nature and expires when the browser session is closed.

On the other hand, the Persistent cookies are of persistent in nature. SiteMinder initially had a 1 week as the validity period. Later adjusted to 1 week + Max session Time Out.

The reason why it has been originally set to 7 days is not clearly stated from our side, as this has been set out of the box from almost the beginning of the product, 20 years ago.

There is no configuration provided to change this period of time.


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