When problems or issues arise using SSH in the OneClick console, how can these be debugged.
DX NetOps Spectrum 22.2 or later
Turn on the MindTerm option in the Debug console in Spectrum OneClick client:
Then reproduce the issue and check the Debug Output tab.
And enable the OneClick telnet debugging as follows:
1. Log into the Spectrum WEB GUI as an ADMIN user
2. Click on the Administration link
3. Click on the Debugging link
4. Click on the Web Server Debug Page (Runtime) link
5. Find and enable the "Telnet Servlet
" debugging
6. Scroll to the bottom of the page and set the Desired Level to MAX and click on the Apply button
7. Reproduce the issue and send us the OneClick server log:$SPECROOT/tomcat/logs/catalina.out
in Windows)