To set TLS ca_cert of elacticsearch in fluent-bit config deployed as package in TKG cluster. One has to pass the cert path in fluent-bit-data-values.yaml file. Also we need to keep the ca_cert on particular path inside pod defined in fluent-bit-data-values.yaml file. This can be done by using overlay-secret to update the running fluent-bit package.
Tanzu Kubernetes Grid v2.x
Fluent-bit v1.x or v2.x
In this KB we will go over the steps for configuring for elasticsearch output plugin as an example:-
1) Update "output" section of fluent-bit-data-values.yaml like below example where "tls.ca_path" is defined.
outputs: |
Name es
Match *
Host hostname
Port 9200
tls on
tls.verify on
tls.ca_path /opt/certs/es_ca.crt
HTTP_User username
HTTP_Passwd password
Index fluent-bit
Suppress_Type_Name on
Trace_Error on
Replace_Dots on
2) Now we need to put the ca.cert on this particular path inside pod. For this, we firstly create secret where we will keep elasticsearch ca.crt.
kubectl create secret generic elasticsearch-ca-cert --from-file=es_ca.crt=/path/to/ca.cert/in/local/machine -n tanzu-system-logging
3) Then create below overlay secret file with name "fluent-bit-overlay-secret.yaml" to update the running fluent-bit package. This will make the change persistent inside fluent-bit pods.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: fluent-bit-overlay-secret
namespace: my-packages
overlays.yaml: |
#@ load("@ytt:overlay", "overlay")
#@overlay/match by=overlay.subset({"kind": "DaemonSet", "metadata": {"name": "fluent-bit", "namespace": "tanzu-system-logging"}})
#@overlay/match by=overlay.subset({"name": "fluent-bit"})
#@overlay/match missing_ok=True
- name: tls-certs
mountPath: /opt/certs/
#@ load("@ytt:overlay", "overlay")
#@overlay/match by=overlay.subset({"kind": "DaemonSet", "metadata": {"name": "fluent-bit", "namespace": "tanzu-system-logging"}})
#@overlay/match missing_ok=True
- name: tls-certs
secretName: elasticsearch-ca-cert
defaultMode: 420
4) Now apply the above overlay secret in namespace where fluent-bit package is installed i.e. my-packages. It will eventually help to mount the elasticsearch ca cert as volume in fluent-bit pod (controlled by Daemonset).
kubectl apply -f fluent-bit-overlay-secret.yaml
5) Eventually update the fluent-bit package using updated fluent-bit-data-values.yaml (mentioned in Step 1)
tanzu package installed update fluent-bit -p -v 2.1.6+vmware.1-tkg.2 --values-file fluent-bit-data-values.yaml -n my-packages
6) At the end, one will able to see elasticsearch ca_cert on path /opt/certs/es_ca.crt inside fluent-bit pod.