The Memory utilization for the Arista device displayed in Performance Management and Spectrum does not line up.
Spectrum displays the following for Memory utilization:
Performance Management Portal displays the following for Memory utilization:
DX NetOps: Any version
Spectrum and Performance Management display memory usage differently.
There are 4 instances of Memory.
Spectrum displays memory usage individually (per instance).
Spectrum polls the Memory Utilization from the RFC-2790 (HOST-RESOURCE-MIB)
Memory utilization can be found in the NRM_DeviceMemoryUtilization (0x12ac6) table attribute of the device model:
Memory Usage (Instance ID=1):
32889564 100%
7984676 x
x=24,28% ~ 24%
Performance Management (PM) displays the aggregate average memory usage.
(0.89 + 10.24 + 24.28 + 15.68) / 4 = 12,76