Broadcom SOC (SOC1, SOC2 etc.) reports
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Broadcom SOC (SOC1, SOC2 etc.) reports


Article ID: 375357


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


You are looking for SOC1 / SOC2 reports from Broadcom directly.


  • Create a case with Broadcom Support to request SOC1, SOC2 reports and provide an email where the reports will be sent to you
  • The SOC reports are only applicable to customers who are hosted by Broadcom
  • For other customers, hosted by partners or On Premise, the reports are not of use, however they can still be provided
  • The reports are only generated once per year, for the entire completed fiscal year
  • They are issued end of December each year, and are not updated in the interim