Unknown Principal identity PRINCIPAL_IDENTITY-wcp-<UUID> found on Local Manager at site <LM NAME>
<Date>T<Time> INFO http-nio- GmOnboardingConverter 70046 POLICY [nsx@6876 comp="global-manager" level="INFO" subcomp="global-manager"] toConfigOnboardingStatusDto: ConfigOnboardingStatus : ConfigOnboardingStatus ....... errors=[com.vmware.nsx.management.gm.onboarding.exceptions.ConfigOnboardingException: Unknown Principal identity PRINCIPAL_IDENTITY-wcp<UUID> found on Local Manager at site <LM site name>.]]
A prerequisite for Local Manager (LM) configuration import is that any Principal Identity(PI) that exists on LM must exist on GM.
After site registration, an automatic check validates if there is any missing PI on GM.
By design, an error message is displayed on UI if a PI is present on the LM but no the GM.
To resolve this issue, create a PI on the GM to match exactly the PI present on the LM using API
POST https://<global-nsx-mgr>/api/v1/trust-management/token-principal-identities
"node_id": "node-2",
"is_protected": "true"