How to exclude the data of a range of tape volumes from being used in the Data Set Groups object 'On Tape Storage' (TAPCBS)
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How to exclude the data of a range of tape volumes from being used in the Data Set Groups object 'On Tape Storage' (TAPCBS)


Article ID: 375339


Updated On:


Vantage Storage Resource Manager


How can I exclude the information of a range of tape volumes from being used in the computation of the data displayed in the 'On Tape Storage (TAPCBS)' object (this object is found in the 'Data Set Groups' folder)?  


To eliminate data of a range of tape volumes from being included in the computation of the 'On Tape Storage (TAPCBS)' object, perform the following steps:  

1) Open the Vtape CA1 'Files' object (VISTMCD)    -->  Tape Management Systems -->  CA1 Flexible Storage  --> Files (VISTMCD)
2) Modify the DSKTMCF system script from the VISTMCD object   -->  Actions -->  Configure DSKTMCF 
3) Using the script wizard, modify the 'Filter Definition' and create a filter to EXCLUDE volumes not wanted  -->  For example:  Volume EXCL X/
4) Save, Activate, and Execute this script to fetch new data for the VISTMCD object
5) Navigate to the Data Set Groups folder, and select the 'On Tape Storage' (TAPCBS) object
6) Run the TAPSTATS script  -->  Actions  -->  'Run TAPSTATS Scr'
7) Refresh the data of the TAPCBS object to see the results from the data collected from the VISTMCD object (which is now excluding the range of volumes not wanted)

Note: This method of excluding information from the VISTMCD object to get the desired info in the TAPCBS object means that in the future any direct viewing of the TAPCBS object will not provide information of the excluded objects.  If this is undesirable, then the user can instead modify the external filters of each storage group being reported on (as defined in the GDEFS member), and also set the TAPOVLAP parameter of VKGPARMS to 'Y' so that these groups process all data sets to get complete storage totals.