Can Endevor unload a Panvalet PANLIB to a PDS?
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Can Endevor unload a Panvalet PANLIB to a PDS?


Article ID: 375332


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Have some old Panvalet PANLIB from the time before Endevor and would like to unload the members from the PANLIBs to PDS libraries.  Have uninstalled Panvalet so do not have the use of Panvalet programs like PAN#1.

Does Endevor have any utilities that could unload the PANLIB members?


All supported versions of Endevor


The Endevor BC1PNCPY utility can convert a Panvalet PANLIB to a PDS -

Converting from One Library Type to Another
The BC1PNCPY utility copies data from one of the supported library formats to another supported format. This behavior lets you try different methods based on your site requirements. For example, copy a Panvalet  library to a PDS, or copy a PDS to ELIB.
However, the BC1PNCPY  utility requires that the Endevor Panvalet interface be installed which requires linking Endevor modules with the Panvalet PAM module.   
  • If the Panvalet library containing the PAM module is not available, then Endevor cannot be used to unload the PANLIB members to a PDS.
See the Panvalet Interface instructions for more information.