This document outlines the process for pointing the Information Centric Analytics (ICA) application to a RiskFabric database that has been migrated with its ancillary components to a new server while leaving the application and cube in place. This procedure assumes the database server's hostname will change. If the hostname will remain the same, no configuration changes are needed.
ICA's footprint on the database server includes: the RiskFabric database; data source data warehouses; SQL Server Agent jobs and proxies; linked server connections; and Database Utilities. This document does not include a procedure for deploying a new database, nor does it address requirements for re-creating all necessary components on a new server.
Version : 6.x
After replicating the RiskFabric database components to the new server, the RiskFabric site's connection string must be updated in Internet Information Services (IIS) to point to the new server name or IP address. The connection string in the RiskFabric OLAP cube's data source definition on the Analysis Services (SSAS) server must also be updated. To make these changes, follow these procedures:
<ICA_install_path>\Risk Fabric Server WebThe default installation path is:
%SystemDrive%\Program Files\Bay Dynamics\Risk Fabric Server Web
Data Source
in the connection string to point to the new database server and instance (if the default instance is not used):
<add name="RiskFabric.Web.Properties.Settings.DatabaseConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=<server[\instance]>;Initial Catalog=RiskFabric;Integrated Security=SSPI;" />
OLAP cubeThe Active Directory Connector Utility and other data source import utilities also contain connection strings pointing to the database server, but these utilities are typically installed on the database server and use a relative path to point to the data source.