Is there any way to connect Bridge for Git to Endevor web services/webhook on the mainframe through the Zowe APIML?
Endevor V19
Bridge for Git 2.15.2
Registering Endevor Web Services to the Zowe API Mediation Layer provides access to the Endevor REST API through the API Mediation Layer Gateway. For more information, check out Integrate REST API with the Zowe API Mediation Layer
It is not possible to integrate Bridge for Git (B4G) with API ML in terms of accessing B4G through API ML. B4G is not primarily a mainframe product, it does not provide a mainframe related API and B4G does not use mainframe credentials for login.
It is not possible to integrate MF Webhook server with API ML. Webhook server does not expose any API to integrate, communication for webhook server is outbound from mainframe, not inbound to mainframe.
Multiple method can be used to connect B4G to Endevor Web Services (EWS) that are APIML enabled:
Note that additional Endevor/APIML configurations are required for using method 2,3,4 (enabling SSO/passtickets for Endevor, enable refresh endpoint for API ML, enable client certificate login for API ML, enable PATs for API ML).