GUI for VirtualService, Pools and Certificates is not loading.
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GUI for VirtualService, Pools and Certificates is not loading.


Article ID: 375243


Updated On:


VMware Avi Load Balancer


- In the Avi Loadbalancer versions prior to 22.1.x, there may arise a situation where the GUI for VirtualService, Pools and Certificates stops loading, after uploading a certificate.

- The api queries when checked on the browser may show the below error code

Request URL:
Request Method:
Status Code:
500 Internal Server Error
Remote Address:
Referrer Policy:
- This is caused by an invalid certificate uploaded to the system.


Issue may be seen in 22.1.x version



- This issue may arise when a corrupted certificate with null-characters (\u0000) are uploaded to the controllers
- Since these null-characters are unable to be decoded by the internal framework, it may throw the below exceptions in /var/lib/avi/log/portal-webapp.log

- The JSON data shown in the exception may be used to identify the certificate from the avi_config


- To resolve the issue, the corrupted certificate will have to be removed using the CLI.


Steps to remove the certificate from CLI

  • ssh to the controller
  • type "shell" and provide the credentials
  • type the below command to delete the erroneous certificate 

- delete sslkeyandcertificate <name>

Additional Information

The issue does not occur in 30.x versions since a different framework is being used to decode the certificate.