When Service Desk, including web interface, is used in intranet only, usually you don't need to configure SSL for web interface as it is considered pretty secure in intranet. However, if you have some external integration via Rest API from internet, you would like to configure SSL for Rest API consumption only. This article details the steps you can follow to accomplish that.
generate a csr file java-home\bin\keytool -certreq -alias sdmrest -keystore c:/certificates/keystore.jks -file servername.csr (replace "servername" with the SDM host name where you enable Rest API. it is case sensitive) submit the servername.csr to your vendor and your vendor will send you a certificate file servername.cer
import the certificate to the jks file java-home\bin\keytool -importcert -file servername.cer -keystore keystore.jks -alias sdmrest
modify the server.xml file backup the file server.xml file in SDM-install-folder\bopcfg\www\CATALINA_BASE_REST\conf and then edit the server.xml locate the following:
save the change Note: here we assume the keystore.jks file is in C:\certs and the password is changeit. you would need to modify accordingly.
restart Rest Tomcat if Service Desk does not start, start Service Desk; if it already started, run pdm_tomcat_nxd -c stop -t REST wait for one minute or two pdm_tomcat_nxd -c start -t REST
make sure Rest API is available via SSL from Chrome or other browser, enter https://sdm-servername:8443/caisd-rest/rest_access/?_wadl you should see the Rest API meta data
Additional Information
Your network team should open the Rest API port for internet. For the example shown above, it is 8443 and you could choose a different port.